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A resourceful young producer & a jaded club manager guide an eclectic group of rock star wannabes on the problematic road to stardom on the lower east side of NYC.



Lower East Asides is a series that follows the rollercoaster ride that is the life of the aspiring New York City singer or musician, whether it be rock, soul, techno, or new age. Created by Steve Becker and based on his first film, Manhattan Minutiae, the show mixes drama with dark comedy in the style of Shameless or Rescue Me. Featuring a talented cast of actors with true musical and vocal abilities, Lower East Asides has a pulsating, original soundtrack, fueled by the hopes and desires of the gritty characters. The by-product is a program that lives and breathes music while bringing the viewer along for the rough and tumble journey.

The viewer sees the formation of bands, inspiration for songs, lyric writing process, music composing techniques, studio recording logistics, as well as the daily battle to raise money to produce songs, while fighting to survive through marginal jobs. The diversity in backgrounds and employment are crucial to help power the engine of creativity. They will represent the international mosaic of City life and commerce. Not everyone will be waiters or baristas. They will embody the best and worst of youth: Destructive relationships, endless energy, bad work ethic, and wild creativity. Also, this is not Glee or Smash, as no one will be breaking out in song for no apparent reason. It will be down and dirty, showing how suffering for your art is the norm but by no means guarantees success or happiness. It is said that adversity builds character, but it also creates fertile soil for some very intense songs.